This blog post WILL offend many people, so if you are of a sensitive nature please stop reading….

… don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Toady I will shed light on why 95% of Internet marketers fail online. Time and time again.

At the end I'll also tell you exactly what I would do, if I were starting from scratch online.

OK, here we go. I'll be blunt.

More blunt than my usual style. Because people need to know and understand this.

Out of the many thousands of people on my mailing lists, quite a few get in touch with me, especially since I don’t hide behind a ‘no reply’ email address.

This is how I've come to learn this revealing information first-hand, over the past 25 years of doing business online.

It's all in the emails I've gotten over the last two decades…

While I'm always happy to help, some expect me to donate hours of my time.

I've received hate mail from some people because I recommended solutions without their consent.

‘I'm desperate and will do anything, show me how!' others say.

While 100% of my subscribers and every Internet marketer wants to succeed, less than 5% are truly prepared to do everything it takes. The other 5% earn a living online.

If you agree with any of these statements then I guarantee you will struggle online…

#1. “I want to supplement my income online, but I don’t really want to invest any money to become a better entrepreneur.”

#2. “I want to supplement my income online, but I don’t have the time or patience to learn new things regularly.”

#3. “I want to supplement my income online, but I don’t have anything of value to teach people and don't want to learn something of value to teach.”

#4. “I want to supplement my income online, but everything out there is a scam so why bother.”

The thing is, if there's One Constant in the Internet Marketing World, it's this…

If you REALLY want to make 5, 6 or 7 figures as a successful online marketer, then you have to really be willing to work at it and give all you can give.

Sure you can coast a little once you have done the work and have some regular income streams in place. But in order to get to coast mode you need to…

– Be prepared to take advice from people who've already succeeded

– Be willing to help others as much as possible

– Be willing to invest in the right tools and training and learn how to use them

– Treat it like a business, not a hobby, and dedicate time and effort consistently

I understand. It's easy to complain about having no money, time, or value, but please don't do that.

Not enough people are willing to look in the mirror and realize that they are their biggest obstacle. .

If this blog post offends you, you are not an entrepreneur.

You can change everything if you want it badly enough to take action.

A Path Forward…

If I’ve motivated you with this post then good, as that was my intention.

However, if you are willing to help yourself and want to learn how to help more people and see results in your bank account, there are many online options for you.

You'll need time and money to learn.

If it hasn't happened for you online yet, that does not mean it still can't happen.

Carving out an income from the web is challenging.

But let's face it. You're either dead serious and you'll do whatever it takes, or you're just messing around.

So which is it?

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